About Me

Septyan Widianto is a web developer who very enthusiast using WordPress.

Building so many Website using WordPress. And making Web Developer Agency called Yaa Bunayya Web Developer.

Try to helping Indonesian small business to grow using website.


1. Making POS Using WordPress

Now I made Point of Sales ( POS ) website using WordPress. You can see the progress in here https://umartekno.my.id/pos/ . This project supported by my colleague. If this project success, They will sell this POS product to small shop to helping they making transaction.

2. Contribute Translating in WordPress Polyglots

Beside I have my own project on building Website using WordPress, I wanna make any little contribution to WordPress by contribute to WordPress Polyglots to translating any string to Indonesian ( my native language ).

For any others you wanna know about me, you can contact my in here Contact Septyan.

Or in my social media: